Gmod Unknownc Command Sk_plr_dmg_

  1. WS: No +host_workshop_collection or it is invalid!
  2. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsaleks_server_rewards'
  3. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsanti_prop_griefing'
  4. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsarivia f4'
  5. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsatlaschat'
  6. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsbank_vault'
  7. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsbig_chungus_1610287229'
  8. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsbodygroupr-master'
  9. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonscell models'
  10. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonscustomhq_defibrillator'
  11. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonscustomhq_pepperspray'
  12. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsdeadpool_playermodel_&_npc_906534410'
  13. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsdeadshot_-_playermodel_(injustice_2_ios)_1253717208'
  14. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsdinventory'
  15. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsdinventory_cs_lib'
  16. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsdisable defaults'
  17. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsdurgzmod_(the_original_gmod_drugs_mod)_696374067'
  18. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonseoti_combo_1_02'
  19. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsfinesystem'
  20. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsfps_booster_1169579845'
  21. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsghomes'
  22. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsglevel'
  23. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsgruppe_6_security_gta_v_1343982802'
  24. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonshat_mod'
  25. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonshead_of_security_(ss13)_339730948'
  26. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonshhh'
  27. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsjenssons_bolter_weapon_(warhammer40k)_562950584'
  28. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonskevlar'
  29. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsladder_tool_708225419'
  30. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsm9k assault'
  31. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsm9k heavy'
  32. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsm9k small'
  33. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsp250_-_mehndi_387971507'
  34. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonspermaprops_220336312'
  35. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonspoliceshield'
  36. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsprecision tool'
  37. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsprometheus'
  38. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsriot gear'
  39. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsrobber'
  40. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsservices'
  41. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonssh_flashbang'
  42. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonssh_mustardgas_grenade'
  43. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonssh_safezones'
  44. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonssimplac'
  45. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonssimple_mining_system'
  46. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsslimscoreboard'
  47. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonssquad_reborn'
  48. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsstacker'
  49. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsstungun'
  50. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsswiftac'
  51. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonstextscreens'
  52. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonstomascustoms_printers'
  53. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsulib'
  54. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsulx'
  55. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddonsvapes'
  56. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddons[age_of_dark]battle_sisters_1554358178'
  57. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddons[darkrp]_chat_adverting_system_927194988'
  58. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddons_blogs-remastered-13'
  59. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddons_moonshinehud'
  60. Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:serverscode3gaminggarrysmodaddons__blib'
  61. Changing gamemode to DarkRP (darkrp)
  62. Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
  63. Error loading cfg/pure_server_minimal.txt
  64. ....................................................................
  65. [build]........... v2.0.2
  66. [author].......... Richard
  67. [website].........
  68. [documentation]...
  69. [server ip].......
  70. ....................................................................
  71. ###########################################################
  72. _ _
  73. | |__ | | ___ __ _ ___
  74. | |_) | |___| (_) | (_| __
  75. __/ |
  76. Remastered-13
  77. Licensed to 76561197979972216
  78. ###########################################################
  79. [bLogs] Loading modules...
  80. [bLogs] Waiting for a player to join the server...
  81. [bLogs] If nothing happens after this, another addon is interfering.
  82. Initializing Darkrp Bodygroups Manager
  84. Penetration/ricochet con var created
  85. Ammo crate detonation con var created
  86. Default Clip con var created
  87. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'improvedstacker/improvedstacker.lua' (@lua/autorun/init_improvedstacker.lua (line 9))
  88. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'improvedstacker/localify.lua' (@lua/autorun/init_improvedstacker.lua (line 10))
  89. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'assassin.lua' (@lua/autorun/kori_playermodel.lua (line 2))
  90. || ||
  91. || ||
  92. || ||
  93. || ||
  94. || ||
  96. // Loading Fine System Files //
  97. // Created by ToBadForYou //
  98. ///////////////////////////////
  99. ///////////////////////////////
  100. // shared/defines.lua //
  101. // shared/util.lua //
  102. // shared/table.lua //
  103. // server/player.lua //
  104. // shared/commands.lua //
  105. // server/util.lua //
  106. // server/ucl.lua //
  107. // server/player_ext.lua //
  108. // Load Complete! //
  109. [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: playx_ulib_group_manager.lua
  110. ///////////////////////////////
  111. ///////////////////////////////
  112. // sh_defines.lua //
  113. // base.lua //
  114. // log.lua //
  115. // MODULE: uteam.lua //
  116. // MODULE: xgui_server.lua //
  117. // ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man //
  118. // Adding Main Modules.. //
  119. // commands.lua //
  120. // maps.lua //
  121. // Adding Setting Modules.. //
  122. // server.lua //
  123. // sandbox.lua //
  124. // sv_bans.lua //
  125. // sv_maps.lua //
  126. // sv_settings.lua //
  127. ///////////////////////////////
  128. // MODULE: essentials.lua //
  129. // MODULE: fun.lua //
  130. // MODULE: menus.lua //
  131. // MODULE: server_rewards.lua//
  132. // MODULE: teleport.lua //
  133. // MODULE: userhelp.lua //
  134. // MODULE: vote.lua //
  135. // Load Complete! //
  136. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'eoti_hitnumbers_cl.lua' (@addons/eoti_combo_1_02/lua/autorun/server/eoti_hitnumbers_sv.lua (line 13))
  137. | Loading ServerSide PermaProps |
  138. permaprops/sv_lib.lua
  139. permaprops/sv_permissions.lua
  140. permaprops/sv_sql.lua
  141. | Loading Shared PermaProps |
  142. ---------------------------------
  143. ---------------------------------
  144. permaprops/cl_menu.lua
  145. [/Simplac/] Loaded!
  146. [SwiftAC] Loaded
  147. Trying to create entities too early! (env_physexplosion)
  148. material models/tai/heavy/mithrilsoldiersheet has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask.
  149. Default clips will be not be modified
  150. Default clips will be not be modified
  151. SWEP (empty shotgun) is derived from non existant SWEP (gunter_shotty_base) - Expect errors!
  152. SWEP (vincent_shotty_base) is derived from non existant SWEP (RENAME_bobs_gun_base) - Expect errors!
  153. SWEP (empty assault) is derived from non existant SWEP (gunter_gun_base) - Expect errors!
  154. SWEP (example swep) is derived from non existant SWEP (test_bobs_gun_base) - Expect errors!
  155. SWEP (vincent_scoped_base) is derived from non existant SWEP (RENAME_bobs_gun_base) - Expect errors!
  156. SWEP (empty scoped) is derived from non existant SWEP (gunter_scoped_base) - Expect errors!
  157. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/base/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  158. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/dof_node/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  159. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/entity_remove/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  160. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/inflator_magic/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  161. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/lasertracer/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  162. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/selection_indicator/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  163. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/selection_ring/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  164. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/ulx_firework/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  165. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/ulx_fireworkstem/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  166. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/wheel_indicator/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
  167. [Refer Rewards] The asr_data file has been loaded succesfully.
  168. [Refer Rewards] The asr_pending file has been loaded succesfully.
  169. [Tomas Printers] Printer config file loaded :]
  170. Unknown command 'sv_tags'
  171. Unknown command 'sk_npc_dmg_crowbar'
  172. Unknown command 'sk_npc_dmg_stunstick'
  173. Couldn't find any entities named downtown_shopstorefront01bglass, which point_template respawn_downtown_shopstorefront01 is specifying.
  174. Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: respawn_downtown_shopstorefront01
  175. Attempted to create unknown entity type mg_automata!
  176. Chat command 'policepayment' is defined but not declared!
  177. No Refinery spawnpoints found for this map
  178. Unknown command 'sbox_plpldamage'
  179. Unknown command 'sbox_maxturrets'
  180. Unknown command 'tickrate'
  181. [Arivia] All scripts will be getting an official update soon, keep checking for a release of this script.
  182. Client 'Conwell' connected (
  183. [Prometheus] DB Connection succesful
  184. [APG][FakeDRM] Loading ../ghosting.lua
  185. [APG][FakeDRM] Loading ../method0.lua
  186. [APG][FakeDRM] Loading ../stack_detection.lua
  187. [APG] FakeDRM has loaded! - Please report if there are any errors!
  188. [APG] Starting FakeDRM Loader
  189. [APG][FakeDRM] Loading ../base.lua
  190. [APG][FakeDRM] Loading ../lag_detection.lua
  191. [APG][FakeDRM] Loading ../misc.lua
  192. [APG] FakeDRM has loaded! - Please report if there are any errors!
  193. [APG] DRM loaded successfully !
  194. No NPC spawnpoints found for this map
  195. No Crafting spawnpoints found for this map
  196. No Refinery spawnpoints found for this map
  197. Attempted to create unknown entity type mg_automata!
  198. EOTI Hit Numbers: DarkRPG Not Detected!
  199. Spawned 13 textscreens for map rp_downtown_v4c_v2
  200. Looking for a Minecraft server host? Visit today!
  201. Attempted to create unknown entity type stunstick!
  202. [SECUREGMOD]: Preventing JIT from being disabled
  203. Attempting to get time... (4 times remaining)
  204. [APG] Props frozen
  205. [APG] Props frozen
  206. DataTable warning: mining_rock: Out-of-range value (60894.058594) in SendPropFloat 'm_vOrigin[1]', clamping.

This is my Error:
[Clockwork] Framework is initializing...

[CloudAuthX] Loading encrypted Clockwork externals, please wait...

[ERROR] lua/includes/modules/cloudauthx.lua:11: attempt to index global 'CloudAuthX' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - lua/includes/modules/cloudauthx.lua:11

  2. require - [C]:-1

Apr 27, 2018  Error: Material 'debugdepth4' uses unknown shader 'DebugDepth' Initializing Awesomium. Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (p2penabled) Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (propsbreakmaxpieces) mface-glyph-bitmap.width is 0 for ch:32 DejaVu Sans PREP OK Unknown command 'skplrdmgcrowbar' Unknown command 'sknpcdmgcrowbar'. NULL entity if command was entered with the dedicated server console. String cmd - The concommand string (if one callback is used for several concommands). Table args - A table of all string arguments. String argStr - The arguments as a string. Jul 08, 2018  Unknown command 'skplrdmgcrowbar' Unknown command 'sknpcdmgcrowbar' Unknown command 'skplrdmgstunstick' Unknown command 'sknpcdmgstunstick' Nav File is wrong or something (4) L Sandbox Map: gmflatgrass Players: 1 / 2 Build: 7136 Server Number: 5 Garry's Mod sandbox gmflatgrass 2 1528544 Requesting 4 lua files from the. Jan 11, 2010  skplrdmgsvdscale '0.74' //Because magnum sniper rifles are much better. Besides, it is really powerful, so even a moderately healthy player. Below Is A Definition And Explanation Of All Of The Super Admin Commands. ply = Player Name/Player (The Target Of The Command)-time= Amount Of Time The Command Will Last (e,g Fire will last for 300 seconds). Unknown command 'skplrdmgcrowbar' Unknown command 'sknpcdmgcrowbar' Unknown command 'skplrdmgstunstick' Unknown command 'sknpcdmgstunstick' Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt. Nav File is wrong or something (1). Mar 28, 2018  Unknown command 'skplrdmgcrowbar' Unknown command 'sknpcdmgcrowbar' Unknown command 'skplrdmgstunstick' Unknown command 'sknpcdmgstunstick' Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt. Nav File is wrong or something (1) Server logging enabled. Server logging data to file logsL0327002.log. Unknown command 'sboxallownpcs'.

[ERROR] gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/init.lua:33: Module not found!

  1. require - [C]:-1

  2. unknown - gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/init.lua:33

Couldn't Load Init Script: 'clockwork/gamemode/init.lua'

Couldn't include file 'ai_translations.lua' (File not found) (@lua/includes/util.lua (line 157))

[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'ai_translations.lua' (@lua/includes/util.lua (line 160))

Couldn't include file 'sh_anim.lua' (File not found) (@lua/includes/util.lua (line 157))

[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'sh_anim.lua' (@lua/includes/util.lua (line 160))

[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'weapons/gmod_tool/shared.lua' ()

Couldn't include file 'ai_translations.lua' (File not found) (@lua/weapons/weapon_mad_base/init.lua (line 4))

ERROR: Trying to derive entity aw2_dropship from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity aw2_gunship from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity sammyservers_textscreen from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

Gmod Unknownc Command Sk_plr_dmg_

ERROR: Trying to derive entity prop_trigger from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity prop_npc_crate from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity aw2_manhack from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity aw2_hk from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

Gmod Unknown Command Sk_plr_dmg_ Download

ERROR: Trying to derive entity aw2_hunterchopper from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity aw2_hunterchopper from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity prop_headcrabcanister from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity gw_hunter from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity gw_strider from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

ERROR: Trying to derive entity aw2_dropship from non existant entity base_gmodentity!

Making workshop gamemode available for client download

Making workshop map available for client download

Unknown command 'sk_plr_dmg_crowbar'


Unknown command 'sk_npc_dmg_crowbar'

Unknown command 'sk_plr_dmg_stunstick'

Unknown command 'sk_npc_dmg_stunstick'

Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt.

Nav File is wrong or something (1)

Server logging enabled.

Server logging data to file logsL0327002.log

Unknown command 'sbox_allownpcs'

Unknown command 'sbox_plpldamage'

Unknown command 'sbox_playergod'

Unknown command 'sbox_maxspawners'

Gmod Unknown Command Sk_plr_dmg_ Pc

Unknown command 'sbox_maxturrets'

'banned_ip.cfg' not present; not executing.

Unknown command 'inpc_custom_playermodel_faction'

Unknown command 'inpc_force_player_faction'

Unknown command 'inpc_custom_health'

Unknown command 'inpc_weaponproficiency'

Unknown command 'inpc_custom_health'

Client '|OWG| Camden1963' connected (

Spawning textscreens...

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'ulibcl_init.lua' (File not found) (@lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua (line 5))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'externalutf8.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 10))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'externalvon.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 11))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'clockwork.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 17))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'clockworkframeworkcl_kernel.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 18))

[ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map.

[ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map.

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'externalutf8.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 10))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'externalvon.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 11))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'clockwork.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 17))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'clockworkframeworkcl_kernel.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 18))

[ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map.

[ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map.

[Clockwork] Framework is initializing...

[CloudAuthX] Loading encrypted Clockwork externals, please wait...

[ERROR] lua/includes/modules/cloudauthx.lua:11: attempt to index global 'CloudAuthX' (a nil value)

  1. unknown - lua/includes/modules/cloudauthx.lua:11

  2. require - [C]:-1

[ERROR] gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/init.lua:33: Module not found!

  1. require - [C]:-1

  2. unknown - gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/init.lua:33

Couldn't Load Init Script: 'clockwork/gamemode/init.lua'

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'externalutf8.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 10))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'externalvon.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 11))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'clockwork.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 17))

[|OWG| Camden1963|2|STEAM_0:0:104953811] Lua Error:

Couldn't include file 'clockworkframeworkcl_kernel.lua' (File not found) (@gamemodes/clockwork/gamemode/cl_init.lua (line 18))