Banner Saga How Does 1 Dmg Work

This chapter starts with conversation which you as Ubin have with Eirik (town steward). Dialog options which can be chosen during this conversation do not have a key influence on its course. After the meeting the game will display Strand view. As you progress in the chapter, more and more locations in the town will be available and you'll know that by the blue surrounding around them. In this case the only new location the Market shown on the attached screen.

  1. Banner Saga How Does 1 Dmg Works
  2. Banner Saga How Does 1 Dmg Work Free
Banner saga how does 1 dmg work at home
Option to intimidate or to pay Hadd appears only if you join the conversation

Jun 04, 2016  Without 50% Lucky Shot you have a 50% chance of doing the 4 Dmg you want to and if you miss he is going to have 100% chance of doing 1 + whatever his EXE score is of damage to you, killing you or making you very close to death. The work you have contributed for the Banner Saga on gamepedia is impressive and a good resource, too bad it's. Jun 22, 2013  Hello stoic and fellow vikings Since two days, the Banner Saga doesn't work for reasons unknown. Steam is updated but the game gets stuck at the initial loading screen, so I cannot enter Strand. Does anyone know what the issue might be? Thanks for your help.:) - Argail. Frostvellr Chapter 2 The Banner Saga Guide. Post Comment. Next Chapter 3 Vedrfell Prev Chapter 2 Journey to Frostvellr. After getting near Frostvellr town listen to the conversation between Rook, Iver and Oddleif. You'll learn that the chieftain Has barricaded himself in the town along with his people and he doesn't.

Man, I swear in some interview closer to the launch of Banner Saga 1, they wouldn't commit to much for sure, and at best might have certain characters show up in cutscenes if they made it alive to the end of the game or whatever. I didn't realize that so much of the cast just straight up returns, and is.

The next conversation takes place when you reach the market. Ubin and Eirik will meet here a merchant Hadd and you can act in two ways. If you want to join the conversation, you have to choose 1st or 2nd dialog option and this will allow you to intimidate Hadd or bribe him. You can also leave the conversation at its beginning or after listening to some sentences by selecting the 3rd dialog option.

Before leaving the market Ubin will meet Gunnulf. You can playfully offend him (1st dialog option), maintain a neutral state (2nd option) or praise him for buying a new outfit (3rd option). The end of conversation with allies doesn't really matter.

Regardless of how you acted on the market, you'll have to go now to the Mead House building, so choose this location on the town view. Prepare to make your first decision, which will significantly affect the future course of events:

  • 1st dialog option (Let's get it over with) or 2nd dialog option (You're walking through the front door?) will make giants joining Eirikand Valgardand will take part in the new battle described below. I suggest doing so, because you'll be able to gain Renown points right away.
  • 3rd dialog option (I'd rather sit this one out) will make giants not joining the fight. As result Eirikand Valgardwill fight the battle without your participation and support and the action will immediately jump to the next conversation (scroll down). I do not recommend this variant, because although Eirikand Valgardwon't die, you'll lose opportunity to gain valuable Renown points. In addition, the mentioned fight is the first 'full-fledged' battle, so it is very desirable to further explore mechanisms of combat system.

If you've chosen 1st or 2nd dialog option, the action will move to Mead House, where Shieldbanger, Gunnulf, Eirikand Valgard will have to fight a group of bandits (ThugSwordsman, Thug Leader). Notice, that first of all you are able to place your characters on the area marked in blue before the fight. But this is obligatory and default placement of giants and allied warriors is also acceptable.

After the fight begins, do not rush with sending your people toward bandits, because otherwise they can be attacked as first ones. It is better to move on shorter distance and look for an opportunity to place your character near the enemy when you have an active turn. Such behavior will allow you in addition to keep Willpower points, which can be spent to increase damage dealt in subsequent attacks.

Tempest attack will allow you to kill or seriously weaken two enemies

During the described battle do not forget about special abilities of your characters. Valgard has Stonewall ability, which should be activated after getting close to bandits. Eirik can use Rally ability which replenishes Willpower points of given ally (it is best to keep this action for the later part of the fight). Gunnulf can use already known Tempest attack and it should be used when two bandits are close to the giant.

As you've probably noticed, two Thug Leaders are a bit tougher. So it would be good to attack them with character with high Strength attribute and also strengthen attacks with Willpower points. Behave identically when enemies place themselves close to each other, because then the effectiveness of their defense is improving.

Before returning to the great hall you should meet Hakon and prince Ludin

After the fight Ubin will talk to Eirik and this will happen irrespective of whether you took part in previously described battle (1st and 2nd variants) or you haven't helped Eirik and Valgard (3rd variant). At the end of the meeting Eirik will ask Ubin for a favor and it would be good to agree to help him.

Wait until the game returns to the town view and go to Docks. Ubin will meet there Vognir and Hakon. You'll return to the town view again. Before you head to the great hall, you should click on images of Hakon and prince Ludin to make optional meetings with those characters. The meeting with Hakon has no behavior options but in case of talking to prince Ludin you'll be able to react on his question - mention only about presenting yourself (1st dialog option), express interest of the prince (2nd option) or try to find out more about Ludin visit (3rd option).

You'll get the bonus only if you helped Eirik and Valgard earlier

At the end click on the Great Hall. The action will move forwards to the next day, resulting in end of your visit in Strand town. If you have helped Eirik and Valgard in the last battle and made optional conversation, you'll gain maximum amount of 20 Renown points. Otherwise you'll get no reward or you'll receive only 5 Renown points. Regardless of the course of events you'll have to confirm your willingness to join the caravan.

After getting near Frostvellr town listen to the conversation between Rook, Iverand Oddleif. You'll learn that the chieftain Has barricaded himself in the town along with his people and he doesn't open the gate for anyone. The choice of dialog options in this case doesn't matter because the decision about solving this problem will be made a bit later. After the conversation is over, think about visiting local Market where you can buy new supplies and artifacts.

The second game chapter can be ended in many different ways, but the most obvious behavior variant is to get to the Gate which is closed because of the chieftain. This is how you can act here:

  1. Choosing the 1st dialog option twice will lead to the situation where Iver is able to force the gate open. As the result the battle begins.
  2. Choosing the 2nd and then 3rd dialog option (Check out the water passage) will make main heroes to use the secret passage. As the result the battle begins. Unfortunately Iver won't be able to join the fight.
  3. Choosing the 3rd dialog option (Shout at the guards on the wall) won't change anything because wall guards won't react for your shouts.
  4. Choosing the 1st dialog option (Check out the water passage) will make main characters to use the secret passage. As the result the battle begins. You'll have to defeat smaller group of enemies but unfortunately Iver won't be able to join the fight.

Closed gate is not the only place which can be examined because you can also visit Rest building. As for the start the game will count on one rest day but then you'll be able to make a decision:

  • Choosing the 2nd dialog option (Tend to the wounded) will make the team to take care of wounded. In the meantime you'll learn about carts with supplies. You can decide to attack one of carts (Wait and ambush the cart). As a result the fight will begin. An alternative solution is to meet people who transport supplies (Wait and confront them). As result you'll meet Onef and here you can also act in few ways. If at the end of conversation with Onef you choose 1st dialog option (I don't think so. We're done here), you'll refuse to meet Ekkill and the chapter will end here. Choosing the 2nd dialog option (I think we'll just take this cart ourselves, instead) will result in the fight. Choosing 3rd dialog option (Fine. Let's go) will lead to meeting with Ekkill, which is described at the end of this page (this is the only variant which allows you to meet this person without fights).
  • Choosing the 3rd dialog option (Settle in for the long haul) will make main heroes to wait. The chapter will end here.
  • Choosing the 4th dialog option (Rest for a day) will result in resting one more day. If Hogunand Mogunhas joined the caravan, you'll be able to examine the fuss on the next day (Investigate the commotion) made by people who want to assault the city. You can join the attack on the closed gate (Join them in an assault on the gate) which will result in the battle. Two other variants - asking Hogunand Mogunto stay with the caravan (Ask them not to go) or wishing them good luck (Wish them good fortune) are VERY not recommended because brothers will die without support from the rest of the team and their death won't change the situation in the city.

Many of variants described above lead to the battle and like with battles fought in Skogr village these fights have quite random settings. This randomness refers to the arena appearance, starting places of characters or types and amount of enemies. All available characters can take part in fights. The only exception is Iver, because if you chosen to go through the narrow passage, he will be unavailable during the battle.

You have to reckon with the fact that right after starting the fight you'll encounter new enemy units. First of all there are enemy female archers (Bowmasterand Archer), which should be eliminated as fast as possible. This tactics is good also because they are very weak in defense and can die even with one strong attack. Elite warriors (Thrasher Champion) are very tough and it would be good to attack them with several characters at one. The last one among new enemies is elite opponent with a shield (Backbiter). In this case the most important thing is not to place your people in a straight line and that's because his special attack is a powerful charge. As a reward for winning the battle you can get even 12 Renown points - this depends on difficulty of the fight.

The meeting with Ekkill, which ends this chapter, can be started mainly if you won one of fights described above. But you can also meet him if you didn't choose violent solutions - you just have to stop the supply cart in order to meet with transport guards and properly lead a conversation with Onef.

From the conversation with Ekkill you'll learn that he wants to take Frostvellr back from the chieftain and he will offer you cooperation. You can act in three ways here:

  • Join Ekkill's people (We'll join you. For now)
  • Refuse joining him (We'll fend for ourselves)
  • Get back to the caravan (We're not staying here. Let us out)

Regardless of your actions the chapter will end here.