Physical And Magic Dmg You Can Take Weakaura Wow

I apologize if this is a topic covered somewhere else, I couldn't find any information.
I am interested in learning to tank, and several classes have the ability to specifically reduce magic damage. Is there a way of knowing when damage is magical vs. physical? Something in the animations that indicates it? Or do I have to research enemies ahead of time to learn which attacks are magical and which are not?
Looking at the adventure guide for example doesn't clearly state whether an attack does magical damage or not. It states that the attack does fire damage (for example), or shadow damage. Do those count as magic damage?
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
  1. Physical And Magic Dmg You Can Take Weakaura Wow 2
  2. Physical And Magic Dmg You Can Take Weak Aura Wow Classic

Physical And Magic Dmg You Can Take Weakaura Wow 2

The Armor penetration skill also only ever applies to physical damage dealt. Some physical abilities, like Demoralizing Shout and Thunder Clap, are treated like spells. These abilities have a chance to miss like all spells, which can be offset by Hit rating, but resistance to these abilities cannot be increased. Arcane Edit Main article: Arcane magic#In World of Warcraft See also: List of arcane abilities. Then you jump on the ptr, copy your character as many times as you like, and enjoy some free practice runs. The only thing is, your research console has ZERO upgrades, so it's a good idea to have at least 100 mementos to get the orb upgrade. Also why I recommend multiple keys since you can get back your original upgrades with a key or two. Necromancy is the study and use of magic to raise and control the dead. The manifestation of Death magic, it has many functions. Masters of this tainted field of magic can conjure festering diseases, harness the shadows into bolts of incendiary energy, and reconstruct the flesh of undead creatures. The first is a CDs weakaura. It shows your total physical and magical damage reduction percentages, as well as displaying cooldowns, and their durations. This includes external CDs as well as class-specific ones. It factors in everything from armour (taking into account your target's level), to versatility. Total Damage% Reduction WeakAura Found this thread on R&D but figured this might be a better place for the question and since a guildie of mine is asking about something like that now: 'I'm looking for a WeakAura or Addon to let me know the cumulative% of damage reduction that dynamically updates during combat.

Physical And Magic Dmg You Can Take Weak Aura Wow Classic

EDIT: Thanks for ASHISHDUH and Komodo for compiling this full champ list.
Akali * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Alistar * * * *Magic
Amumu * * * *magic
Anivia * * * *Magic
Annie * * * *Magic
Ashe * * * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Blitzcrank * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Caitlyn * * * *Physical
Cassiopeia * *Magic
Cho'Gath * *Magic
Corki * * * *Hybrid
Dr. Mundo * *Hybrid, mostly magic (can build for true hybrid)
Evelynn * * * *Hybrid
Ezreal * * * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Fiddlesticks * *Magic
Galio * * * *Magic
Gangplank * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Garen * * * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Gragas * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Heimerdinger * *Magic
Irelia * * * *Hybrid
Janna * * * *Magic
Jarvan IV * *Physical
Jax * * * *Hybrid (can build for mostly magic)
Karma * * * *Magic
karthus * * * *Magic
Kassadin * *Magic
Katarina * *Magic
Kayle * * * *Hybrid
Kennen * * * *Magic
Kog'Maw * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic (can build for true hybrid)
LeBlanc * * * *Magic
Lux * * * *Magic
Malphite * *Magic
Malzahar * *Magic
Maokai * * * *Magic
Master Yi * *Magic OR Physical
Miss Fortune * *Hybrid
Mordekaiser * *Magic
Morgana * * * *Magic
Nasus * * * *Hybrid, mostly physical
Nidalee * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Nunu * * * *Magic
Olaf * * * *Physical
Pantheon * *Physical
Poppy * * * *Magic
Rammus * * * *Magic
Renekton * *Physical
Ryze * * * *Magic
Shaco * * * *Hybrid
Shen * * * *Magic
Singed * * * *Magic
Sion * * * *Magic OR Physical
Sivir * * * *Physical
Sona * * * *Magic
Soraka * * * *Magic
Swain * * * *Magic
Taric * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Teemo * * * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Tristana * * *Physical
Trundle * * * *Physical
Tryndamere * *Physical
Twisted Fate * *Hybrid, mostly magic
Twitch * * * *Physical
Udyr * * * *Hybrid
Urgot * * * *Physical
Veigar * * * *Magic
Vladimir * *Magic
Warwick * * * *Hybrid
Xin Zhao * *Physical
Zilean * * * *Magic