Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK' thread, or anything in between, you can find it here. Impact Damage is one of the three physical damage types. Impact damage is effective at quickly draining Corpus shields, but it does comparatively less to Corpus and Grineer bodies. Impact damage's status effect is Stagger, causing enemies to flinch and recoil backwards. Subsequent procs eventually culminate into Knockdown. However, Ospreys, Bosses and Tenno are immune.
WarframesApr 09, 2018 -Saryn: M Cernos - Survival: M Cernos There's only one type of riven that can allow M Cernos to go hybrid, and that's +200% cc (or more), +element, +SC. Anything else won't make the cut, so if you rolled or (hope not) bought a trash like riven with cc, dmg and cd, it won't make it hybrid in 90% of the time due to the low base stats. May 27, 2018 SOLD for 25k It causes even more carnage with modern mods like primed charged shells. 2/21/19 You don't see a roll like that every day. With a better negative it could have been the most.
Exca Umbra, Frost Prime, Hydroid Prime, Mirage Prime, Nekros Prime, Nidus, Nova Prime, Octavia, Saryn Prime, Trinity Prime, Valkyr Prime, Volt Prime, Wisp
Akjagara Prime, Amprex, Arca Plasmor, Astilla, Atomos, Cernos Prime, Fulmin, Galatine Prime, Glaive Prime, Gram Prime, Gunsen, Ignis Wraith, Kohm, Lanka, Lesion, Orthos Prime, Pandero, Phantasma, Pyrana Prime, Redeemer Prime, Rubico Prime, Silva & Aegis Prime, Skiajati, Staticor, Stradavar Prime, Tenora, Tiberon Prime, Tipedo Prime, Venka Prime, Zarr, Zenistar
Arcanes - all max ranked
Acceleration, Avenger, Awakening, Fury, Guardian, Momentum, Pulse, Rage, Strike, Tempo, Velocity
Magus: Elevate x2
Carrier Prime, Helios Prime, Amesha, Itzal, Imperator Vandal, Prisma Veritux
All of the items listed above come with installed reactors, exilus slots and several forma to enable a plethora of builds! The account also has most primed mods, umbra mods and other must haves like the status mods.
Currently there is also a 75% discount on the account running! (46h from the time I post this)
Interested? You can contact me here, Ill reply as soon as possible.